
Light Always Shines

Keng slammed against the tree. The air knocked out of him as he looked up. There was no one looking down at him. He groaned, pushing himself away from the tree. The wind and rain whipped in his face as lightning cracked across the sky. The trees rustled as Keng thought of his next steps.

'Well, she answered me.' Keng started up the hill. 'That means I'll do it the other way.' His body shifted into the large Fox. He ran up the hill, tails whipping behind him as he reached the top. Lily had disappeared. 'This is her Soul world. She could be anywhere.' Lightning struck near him, spooking Keng. Keng jumped in the air, landing feet away from his spot as he looked at the sky. 

'Teenage angst.' Keng thought. His eyes shimmered and the white coat of his fur shimmered. Second Sun wrapped around his body, encasing him in the night sky as Keng pushed his energy around him.