
Back to Earth

Keng stood with the backpack full of stuff in tow. He let out a sigh as he watched the portal swirl. The guards that stood at attention had watched him and the Merman follow the long road to this point. Keng looked back at Calis, who came to a stop next to him. He took in the portal, letting out a small crack of a smile.

"It's been awhile since I've seen one of these." Calis commented. His eyes glistened with excitement. "I haven't been to Earth in a long time." The portal moved as three people stepped out of it. 

"Just in time!" Valen stretched his arms out. He hid his tails and ears, looking quite human. He wore a winter coat and beanie with blue jeans and boots. Off to his left was Chrono, who wore a similar winter outfit with an added sweater underneath and a beanie and gloves. To Valen's right stood Fennec. He was a bit bigger than the other two Foxes, but wore a similar outfit as the rest.