
An Unknown Person

Keng sat down at the station as the police officers barraged him with questions. He went with the made up story he and the Fox Spirits had decided upon. Well, he had no choice in it. It was the "best" choice according to Ysa. 

"You won't sound like a total idiot." Ysa retorted. "Plus, you don't have to think about anything with this backstory. They'll totally buy the story." Keng scoffed and folded his arms as he eyed Lee Seng's friends. They were all told to wait in the lobby until the police were done questioning Keng.

"Let me summarize this." The police shifted in his seat. He looked at the holographic screen and began to read the contents on it aloud. "You left with a man at night. This man is supposedly someone you know from your Father's lab?"

"The Creator. Yes." Keng answered.

"And you were on a job. A job that got you in the wrong place at the wrong time?" The police continued, looking at Keng for a verbal response.

"Yes." Keng nodded.