

They rode down to the bottom of the first level in awkward silence. Keng couldn't help but give small glances towards Lee Seng's older sister. She was acting odd. Yeah, it was his first time officially meeting her, but something seemed off. The elevator dinged and came to a stop. Akali turned to look at him and noticed Keng was staring at her.

Akali gave him a weird look as Keng turned away. He watched as the First years noticed him and Akali, Number 9. They waved at Akali who greeted at the students with not much enthusiasm.

"I wonder if he met with the Numbers, again." A student whispered. They were all going to the same destination as them. They had gotten out later than the rest of the students which Keng didn't find too odd. Students did work pretty hard at the Academy (most of them).