
Meeting the Crew

"Ahh! Go slower!" Akio shouted. He tried to peel away from Keng's grasp but was only met with resistance from his sister. 

"Hold still." Akali growled pushing down on him as Keng picked at the seaweed-like paste. It felt tough as Keng peeled it off. 

"Ow! That hurts!" Akio complained as he managed to pull himself away from Akali and Keng. "Let's wait a bit."

"Stop being a baby." Akali smacked her brother. Akio instantly swung around, looking at his twin sister in disbelief. Before he could utter the words, "how dare you," Keng snapped his fingers. 

"H-hey!" Akio shouted. Keng quickly made a pull motion and watched as the seaweed paste peel off clean. "Ahhh!" Akio's face squeezed in pain as the seaweed paste paper hovered next to him. Keng looked at it in disgust before flicking it off to the kitchen.

"Done." Keng stood up, releasing the hold onto Akio. Akio clutched his side, trying not to hurt himself too much as he reeled in pain.