
A Petty Game of Secrets

Manny cocked his head at Sara as one of her group members stepped over to try to break them up. Sara lifted her hand to stop her member from stopping them. She wanted to see where this would go. 

"And what if I am? What're you gonna do about it?" Sara asked. She was arrogant as she indulged in Manny's comment. She knew him. She grew up with him and Lee Seng. She knew what they were capable of. She knew she could easily win. "I felt bad for Lee Seng after his accident so I gave him hope by being with me. What's so wrong with that?"

"You bitch." Manny's fist flew straight for Sara in an instant. His eyes burned with rage as the punch stopped short of her face. Sara flinched, pulling away as mutters grew. A fight was unfolding in front of their very eyes and it would be all over the campus. Sara frowned. Manny had stopped the punch itself to scare her. She pushed his fist away and took a couple steps back.