
Into Another Place, Pt. 1

Large trees shot up to the sky as Keng and the gang stood in the hallway looking into the room. White snow covered the land as cold breaths began to form. Keng stepped through the door, feet crunching in snow as he looked around. It looked like the forest in the other district Lee Seng had fought that Blood Puppet except the trees were pine trees. One by one, the group trickled out. As soon as Evan passed through the door, the door shut, vanishing.

"Hey!" Evan shouted, turning to see the door was gone. "The door's gone!" The rest of the team turned and noticed it was just more large trees in the opposite direction. It was much colder here than the town they were in. Keng let out a warm breath as he scanned the area.

"We definitely stepped into a Portal." Keng whispered.

"How're we supposed to go back?" Evan asked, panicked. "That was our only way back! If the door's gone then—"