
Into Another Place, Pt 3

The necklace was made of stone beads threaded together with a face of an Orc with tusks hanging at the bottom. It was gray like the beads, but the orc's face had fine details etched into it. Its eyes were red as the orc's face seemed to scream at you. Its tusks were colored with white, giving a bone white color to it. The group studied it as it slowly spun back and forth. The back end of the pendant seemingly mimicking the front part of the pendant.

"You think this is worth keeping?" Ritsuka asked. He looked to the group. Manny, Liz and Evan seemed indifferent on it. Keng was slowly inching closer to it like he wanted to grab it but stopped himself each time. Olivia continued to study it, not giving an answer.

"I… Don't know." Liz shrugged. She looked to Manny as she always did with anything. "What do you say, Manny? Should we keep this? We don't even know what it does or if it's going to be useful to us at all."