
A Truth Unheard, Part 2

Ritsuka gritted his teeth as he threw himself onto his feet. Everything shook as he looked for Keng. Evan was screaming for someone to help him as Keng was at the epicenter, shaking.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Keng shouted. "Not now! Please!" The change of Dark Matter was apparent. The silver and cosmic energy was beginning to fade out, replaced by some sort of darkness. Ritsuka started towards Keng, trying to keep his balance. He had tossed everything that had happened and deserted his sword for Keng. He needed to get to Keng before something worse happened.

"You traitor!" Liz shouted. "He's trying to kill us and you want to help him?!?" Liz raised her hand and fired a bolt of lightning at Ritsuka. Ritsuka went flying further away from Keng as Liz stumbled to get herself up. "I'll end this!" She stomped forward, slowly, catching herself as Evan screamed for help.

"Help!" Evan shouted. Rocks fell from the ceiling, spooking him as they caught in the bubble.