
Boss Battle (2)

[A wave of horrifying energy comes your way…]

[Fearful Warcry has been activated by the Boss.]

A wave of black-red energy flew out of the Goblin King's mouth in every direction. The group naturally covered their ears to block the loud roar. Black-red energy swirled around the Boss. 

'It's buffing it but it's also…'

[Notice: 3/6 allies have been afflicted by Fear.]

Keng turned to notice Liz, Manny and Ritsuka were hit with fear. He cursed under his breath as the Boss locked eyes with the pesky Fox barely holding his own. 

'Runic Blink.' Keng flashed from his spot as the greataxe slammed against the ground. Smoke billowed outwards as Keng appeared besides Olivia.

"What's happening to them?" Olivia asked. "Why are they running away?" Manny, Liz and Ritsuka had turned and ran towards the bloody door. Liz was panicking the hardest and drawing the Boss's attention.