
The Third Side of the Coin

"Yes, my Queen." Bodyguard 1 bowed before moving over to the set of levers and buttons and clicking the buttons. When all was ready, the bodyguard pulled the lever and stepped back from the device, hands behind their back. The machine lifted Lee Seng into the air. He could feel the sleepiness creeping in.

"No…" Lee Seng weakly croaked. "Not now…!" He tugged against the restraints, trying to find the strength that he had for the last three years. His body had gotten so used to such a thing, he felt utterly useless when the restraints held him in place.

The ceiling opened, revealing a large metallic rod with a ball point at the end. It roared to life as it pointed down at Lee Seng. Green lights began to quickly flicker down the rod's body towards the ball point tip. The machine grew louder and louder as energy sparked.