
You're Pathetic

Manny was turned looking at his friends to his right. His left arm was clearly pointed at Lee Seng. He was clearly mad about the situation. Liz was standing next to him, trying to calm him down but Manny's patience had clearly been very little. Ritsuka kept his eyes glued on Lee Seng, standing in the middle of Liz and Evan. Evan watched Manny and Liz while Olivia turned to look away.

"He's always like this!" Manny angrily told them. "He throws himself a pity party whenever he didn't get his way. He clearly didn't get his way so he threw a fit!" 

"Hey, I think you should—" Liz reached up to grab his arm. Manny swatted her away and turned to walk away. "Manny! You promised me you would try."