
Into a Ball of Fire

Lee Seng shot four bolts out towards the two bodyguards. The woman behind Captain Childs met his attacks with bolts of her own. The light bolts slammed against the gravity bolts, altering them and distorting the space around them. 

'What's going on?' Lee Seng thought. 

"You have nowhere to run, Lee Seng Chang." Captain Childs spoke. She began to slowly walk towards him as the flames grew around her. Lee Seng could see the smoke literally rising from her. She was different from other fire users. He knew that much after almost dying to smoke. "I'm surprised you didn't die that day. A normal person would've died to smoke, but you… You surpassed my expectations. That's why I need you."

"You need me to work under you?" Lee Seng cracked a smile. His nerves bounced around. The bodyguards were advancing onto his friends and it was clear Captain Childs was going to stop him from doing anything. "What if I don't want to? Could you just kill me instead?"