
Quest & Warning

"Grandma." Olivia spoke in a quiet tone once Lee Seng descended back to their friends. Grandma Ok turned to look at Olivia, eyebrows raised. "Has anything strange happened in the last couple of months?"

"Why are you asking? Are you here to cause trouble immediately?" Grandma Ok asked, suspiciously.

"No, nothing like that." Olivia shook her head. "I just heard a rumor that… People have been going missing from the village. I just want to know if everything is okay."

"Where'd you hear a rumor like that? Did you get in contact with your dad or mom?" Grandma was growing suspicious of her granddaughter. How could anyone outside of the small village know something like that? "Have you?" She raised an eyebrow at Olivia.

"No." Olivia shook her head. "We saw someone who said they came to the village awhile back. They're acquaintances with Lee Seng. They said people were starting to go missing in Maus, so I wanted to check, that's all."