
Trapped School V

Evan hopped through the portal without hesitation after the beam of light flew into it. He yelled as his body literally manifested into the same space as Olivia. He landed on the ground and rushed to Olivia.

"Alex!" Hayley shouted. "Argh! Do something!"

"You're too damn loud! I can't concentrate!" Alex shouted. Hayley grunted as she tossed a fireball. It flew past Alex and hit the bleachers. The flames licked the bleachers as Lee Seng jumped into the portal.

"Come on, let's go!" Evan pulled Olivia's hand. Olivia flinched before realizing what was happening. Evan pulled her along as Lee Seng landed. "Another one!"

"You want me to do—"

"Just do it!" Evan shouted. Lee Seng rolled his eyes as he put his two hands together.

"Who's that?" Alex asked. He forced his eyes open and realized it was Olivia's teammates. They had somehow managed to gather in a single space. "How's that—"