
Lee Seng Wakes...

"Oh my gods, are you okay, Leader Lee Seng?" Fae asked. The strange girl in front of Lee Seng wasn't anyone he had ever met. Fae's yellow and black tail flipped into view and Lee Seng's eyes widened. He looked over to Keng who smiled.

"We're in Daros." Keng smiled. "I told you this before."

"Everyone's told him." Fae reminded Keng. "They didn't mention his assistant was a Fox Spirit, though." Fae set the drink on the night stand and took a couple steps back. "I guess this is the first time you're officially seeing me. My name is Fae. I come from the Jungles to the East. I'm a Savior-in-training." Fae bowed and Lee Seng looked at Keng and then back to Fae and then back to Keng.

"You'll never believe how—" Keng began to say as a knock came to the door.