
Failed 001: The Broodmother

Ritsuka's eyes were wide as the Broodmother announced herself. His mouth was agape and she didn't even indulge in his reaction. She turned back to look at Lee Seng, spitting out random numbers like she was some sort of… Computer.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-wait. You're… Chee Chang? H-how his M-mom died years ago." Ritsuka stuttered. He tried to stand but his own legs and arms were failing him. Broodmother turned and faced the Biohuman linked with Lee Seng. 

"Didn't you hear me? I am a Failed One. A Failed experiment from the Creator's early days. I was molded after the User's mother. I am—"

"Lee Seng! Ritsuka! Where are you?!?" A group of voices shouted. The Broodmother's eyes instantly flicked away from Ritsuka and down the path. She turned and moved to hide behind the cocoon.

"Don't say anything. Two of them will attack me with no hesitation if they find out who I am." Broodmother ordered.