
Meeting with the Gods

The group sat around the large dining table, munching on their food. Some engaged in small talk while others yawned and sipped on their 'coffee' concoctions to wake up. Lee Seng's mind wandered. He spent a lot of his time thinking about what they would have to do today. He tried his best to create a 'to-do list' instead of lingering on the nightmare.

"Sleep, okay?" Ritsuka elbowed Lee Seng out of his thoughts. Lee Seng snapped out of it and nodded.

"Yeah… Slept alright." Lee Seng lied. He didn't want to tell everyone what happened before Lee Seng and Keng blipped out of their room and into the God King's area. Keng cleared his throat and looked at Lee Seng. The two gave each other a nod before looking at everyone else.