
Skills, Skills... More Skills

Lee Seng pulled away from Keng and let out a sigh. He wiped his face and thought about  what he wanted to do. He grabbed his plate and sighed. He didn't have the stomach to eat anything. Lee Seng turned and looked towards the direction of the ruined city. Team Zephyr was suffering while on a mission.

"I don't know what to do." Lee Seng answered Keng's question. "I want to search for answers. I want to know what I am exactly. To think I could potentially be a Failed One is… is a lot."

"On top of you already being a Number and a Fox Spirit." Keng nodded. "Things aren't adding up for you, hm?" Lee Seng nodded and wiped his nose. 

"I can't spend too much time thinking about the what-ifs. I need to stick to handling the task at hand." Lee Seng turned to Keng. "So, I'm going to scout for a bit. Clear my head and get the lay of the land." Lee Seng continued down the forest path, opening his map up to check his direction.