
Use Him

It grew quiet as the people gave each other similar looks. Lee Seng's behavior was certainly saying something, but they were hesitant. The three large groups waited for the man to say something. He stared at Lee Seng for a long while as Team Zephyr awkwardly stood there. The adrenaline pumping through their body wanted them to act. 

Liz moved her fingers to stop the lightning from appearing. She wasn't ready for an all out fight. The city dwellers, these people, had somehow suffered due to Lee Seng. She and the other members of Team Zephyr never fully understood what had happened under the tyranny of the Deimon inside Lee Seng. 

Lee Seng kept his head down as he waited. Calis shifted and held his trident in his hand. Every time he would move, Group C would follow him. They were ready to strike at any movement.

'Do you believe this would be the best course of action?' Calis asked Lee Seng through telepathy. 

'It's the only way.' Lee Seng answered.