
Spoken Contract, Part 7

Lee Seng fired a blast of gravity, disrupting the Vixen's path. This gave Kiara enough time to string another arrow and fire it straight at the Vixen. The arrow shimmered as the Vixen caught it and growled. 

"You think that's going to work again? Even with all three of you going at me, it won't make no diff—" 


The Vixen lit up in smoke. Kiara turned and ran as Jane pushed herself up onto her feet and summoned her spectral axe. She swung the axes in an X and screamed. Jane's energy had manifested into an aura. It was thin, almost unnoticeable to Lee Seng with his Energy Sight. Jane rushed forward as the Vixen ran out of the smoke for Kiara.

"Oh no you don't! Rage Swing!" Jane's body sped up, appearing in front of the Vixen before swinging her axe down onto the Vixen. The blow forced the Vixen to jump backwards, giving Lee Seng and Kiara an opening to attack. Kiara turned and pulled another arrow out. She raised it into the air and fired it.