
A Heartfelt Cry

Lee Seng went with the guards to retrieve his friends. He didn't really know how they would act if the guards didn't properly tell them Lee Seng had finished the mission. He thought most of his friends would try to "go out with a bang" and Lee Seng didn't want that to happen. Lee Seng was led to Calis, first, since he was the closest.

Calis was locked up in a similar room Lee Seng was locked in. Spacious, nothing in it and it didn't really do anything to dampen his powers. He was smart, unlike Keng, and didn't use his powers to show he trusted Lee Seng. The door opened and Calis's eyes immediately looked up.

"Hope you didn't get too comfortable." Lee Seng grinned. Calis stood up and met Lee Seng halfway.

"You're back already? I thought it would take much longer." Calis commented. Lee Seng nodded.