
The Search for the Cup Continues II

"I wouldn't go that way even if I had to." Irene explained to Keng. "It's a dangerous place. After the Deimons betrayed us, they triggered the Deimon blood in us and caused many to go berserk. The living and the dead became corrupted and will attack anyone who goes near. Anyone who's strong enough to resist the Deimon blood is here."

Keng took the information in and scribbled notes in the air. It had become second nature to write, even with his hand at his side. He turned to look at Lee Seng and the others. Lee Seng, Manny, and Calis took the opportunity to walk over while the others waited.

"Miss Irene is telling me it's dangerous to go to the old settlement now." Keng informed them. "Are you sure you want to look there?"

"A place like that is sure to hold the Cup." Calis was the first to speak up. He shifted as he folded his arms together. He looked over to Manny for an opinion.