
The Search for the Cup Continues X

The corner led Lee Seng and Olivia to a small drop. The water was spilling into this room and it might've explained why there was no water source anywhere near the main room. With Lee Seng's help, Olivia and Lee Seng lowered deeper into the drop. It smelled more like a natural cave that was carved away by water.

"I don't think the water was always here." Olivia guessed. She pointed at different parts of the cavern. "These formations made because of the water spilling in here. It's been carved from weather over hundreds of years. Wherever this water is going, I think it's where our Naga friends went."

The water sparkled with light every time Lee Seng took a step. It moved forward, lighting a path in the darkness. Lee Seng lit up the area with golden light, allowing Olivia to see better. Large stalactites hung from the ceiling, collecting water at their points and releasing them.