
Corrupted Demon Captain Baro

Captain Baro flew up in smoke and fire. Lee Seng and Keng continued swinging, listening to Baro scream in agony. Baro's energy dissipated and the twins held their stances. 

'Did we do it?' Manny wondered as Kineticism wore off on Evan and Manny. Evan landed on the ice with a loud thud in front of Manny, who slid to a stop, almost crashing into Evan. 

Baro's energy swirled, shooting a pure black energy outwards. It crashed into the ceiling above, crumbling it to pieces. Lee Seng cursed as he blinked for Evan and Manny. Lee Seng and Keng appeared at the same spot, grabbing a different person and blinking straight for Olivia.

"What the hell is that?!?" Evan shouted. The black energy grew larger, tearing everything apart.