
Varja Gamadan

Lee Seng sighed and checked the disease. There were still spots on Varja but it seemed like the dragon was feeling fine. Lee Seng removed the barrier and moved back to Calis. The dragon moved freely, taking a couple laps around the cramped room before coming to a stop in front of Lee Seng and Calis. 

"Boy, tell your Spirit to come out before I rip your head off. I should at least know the names of those who saved me, including him!" Varja demanded.

"I technically saved you." Lee Seng told Varja. Varja growled and Lee Seng ignored him and continued on. "If it weren't for me, you would've been stuck as a blob of disease for an eternity. Shouldn't you be thanking me?"

"Thank you?" Varja narrowed his eyes. "Hhahahaha! A human wants me to thank them! It is beneath me to thank you!" Lee Seng shrugged and looked at Calis.

"Then I guess we could just increase the disease again."