
Lee Seng's Secret Agenda

Empty plates sat on the table as team Zephyr all leaned back, stuffed. Olivia and Liz quietly chatted while the boys grew sleepy. Lee Seng shook off the sleep and straightened himself out.

"I think it's time for sleep." Lee Seng yawned. "We should get y'all back to the hospital."

"Awh, I guess." Liz sighed, standing up. The group shuffled out of the tavern, leaving Lee Seng to pay for the food.

"Y'all done for the night?" Tae'in asked. 

"Yeah. How much do I owe ya?" Lee Seng asked. Tae'in brushed Lee Seng off with a wave. 

"Don't worry about it. It goes on the tab Elder Jyu'so's paying for." Tae'in replied. 

"Oh, al-alright. I-I can really pay for it—"

"Don't worry, Lee Seng." Tae'in smiled. "I'm going to soak all of the money that Elder has for… He owes me that much after I helped him with a large investment in his village."

"A-alright. Thank you, again, Mr. Tae'in." Lee seng bowed.