
Barracks Trip: Mission Briefing

Zixin had completely thrown the twins into his plan without much info. Lee Seng and Keng got the jist of what was happening. The new recruits were being taken to the Saviors Forest for a scout excursion while most of the experienced guards stayed behind. 

"You'll be put into teams of four and be randomly planted throughout the forest. Find your way to the Saviors Temple while staying alive. The monsters at the Forest are low-ranking creatures, but it does not mean there will be any high-ranking monsters. Run if you must. Any questions?" Zixin informed the recruits. A hand went up and Zixin pointed over at them. A soldier stepped out of line an saluted before asking their question.

"How are we getting there, Captain? Isn't it a long walk to the Saviors Forest?" The new recruit asked.