
Barracks Trip: Keepin' Watch

Night came and the group split off into different sections of the temple. Lee Seng and Olivia hung outside, sitting underneath the tree at the edge of the empty land. Lee Seng laid with his hand over his eyes. He had drifted off to sleep a long time ago and Olivia quietly watched the sky as told by Keng and Captain Zixin. 

"If there's a light that shoots out from the forest, alert us. We'll hunt it down." Keng told  Olivia. He flicked his eyes over to Lee Seng, who was staring up at the sky. "Tell me when he talks, okay?"

'He hasn't talked ever since they all left.' Olivia sighed. She stretched her arms and legs and took glances at Lee Seng. He slept peacefully like he hadn't just cried his eyeballs out. Olivia replayed the scene over and over, again. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She couldn't help but feel a little more guilty that she had contributed to Lee Seng's sadness. Olivia plucked a piece of grass and twirled it in her fingers.