
Barracks Trip: The Boy Wrapped in Ivory

Lee Seng and Keng founded up Iol and Cro. They brought the group back to their makeshift camp and looked at the recruits. Vahn, Cro, and Iol looked at each other, quietly trying to figure out how they were going to throw Gio under the bus. Lee Seng's eyes flicked over to Gio, who was still reeling from his broken leg. 

"Alright." Keng spoke. "I don't want you to speak at all while we're doing this." Keng pointed at Vahn. "You two, your friend, here, already explained to us what happened. I need you two to tell me what you remembered happening." Vahn began to open his mouth, but Lee Seng lifted his index finger up and silenced him before he could speak.

"You'll talk only if you've been ordered to." Lee Seng told them in a more serious tone. Iol and Cro gulped. They didn't have time to understand anything that was happening. Vahn gave wild looks as he tried to speak. He looked at Leader Lee Seng and gulped.