
Farago Guild

New Angeles bustled with people. Tall buildings climbed to the sky while motorized vehicles moved through the streets. Sidewalks were filled with people moving to and fro their destinations. 

Lee Seng and the group stood in front of the holographic map board. There were a few spots that had red or yellow areas. 

"Whoa, they have real time traffic reports on this thing, too?" Ritsuka asked. He pointed at the areas while Lee Seng scanned for the guild. 

"Six blocks or so from this main road…" Lee Seng whispered. He traced his finger down the main path until he saw it. "Here." 

"Can we stop for food first?" Evan asked, stomach grumbling. "I'm starving."

"We have rations." Manny reminded him. 

"Yeah, we do but we're in the city. I could go for something delicious." Evan complained.