
Briefing at the Guild

"It's been two years since the attack on Lee Seng Chang's apartment. After the murders of the emergency response team, Chang was framed and found not guilty of the murders. He was found not guilty, but many still think he was behind the murders… The Creator is taking today to announce something big in regards to his research. Stay tuned for more after the break." The news anchor spoke on the radio. 

The van pulled into the Farago Guild front entrance and rounded the bend to the front. The driver parked the car and looked through the rearview mirror.

"We're here, Team Zephyr." The driver announced. Lee Seng and Keng opened the doors and stepped out, turning to help the others get out. Evan and Manny yawned as they stepped out.

"Team Zephyr is here." A woman's voice spoke. Two pairs of heels clicked against the cement with another pair of steps following behind. The group rounded onto the sidewalk, away from the van.