
Point 2L2I

The air in Keng's lungs escaped him as his body hit the ground. The strange feeling he felt over him suddenly disappeared, snapping him out of it. Ritsuka hovered above Keng, carefully studying him. 

"Are you okay?" Ritsuka asked. Keng's face squished together for a moment, absorbing everything that just happened. 

"It's not gonna hold much longer!" Olivia shouted. Ritsuka and the others looked away from Keng. The wolfmen slammed against the invisible force field. The large two-headed wolfman made their way to the front, pushing the other wolves away. 

"GRAA!" The two-headed wolfman screamed before slamming two large swords into the force field. The force field cracked and Evan's grunts grew loud. 

"Ah, screw this." Lee Seng moved his hand to Evan and threw him on the ground, snapping him out of his frenzy. 

"What happened…?" Keng asked sitting up. His eyes widened as two more large swords slammed into the force field, shattering it.