
The Metallic Wolf

Barry defensively stared at Lee Seng and Keng while the timid maid and an older maid put out the fires. The Scottish butler stood with his arms behind his back, waiting for the maids to finish securing the place.

"These are Master Evan's friends?" Barry asked the Scottish butler. Barry and the Scottish butler were dressed in similar fashion - butler suits and a pair of nice dress shoes. Barry had a bronze handkerchief tucked in his pocket next to his heart while the Scottish butler had a gold one.

"Yes, Barry. You mustn't be so rude to such friends." The Scottish butler answered.

"I thought Master Evan was dead." Barry turned to look at his superior. The butler seemed to get a bit offended and agitated by Barry's comment. 

"He was never dead like his father may have pronounced." The Scottish butler quickly defended. "You shouldn't go around saying things like that without evidence."