
Two and then One

Lee Seng jumped backwards to Olivia, pulling the shards out of him. Cars beeped as Lee Seng grabbed Olivia's hand and pulled her away. They rushed through the cars, eventually hearing the noises of the two last Deimons.

"Do we really need to get them, babe?" The girl asked. 

"They killed the rest of the group!" The man growled and rushed forward, producing flames from their feet. The Deimon man pushed the flames  out of his feet, soaring through the air and going straight for Olivia. Lee Seng and Olivia glanced behind them. Lee Seng pushed Olivia forward, sending her fifteen feet forward. The Deimon slammed against the ground, swinging his fist straight for Lee Seng. 

Lee Seng blocked the attack as the girl rushed forward. Ice billowed from her hands as she fired at Lee Seng. Lee Seng's tails swiped the ice away as he landed a punch onto the Deimon man's face. The man grunted, stumbling backwards as a blast of cold ice flew between Lee Seng and the Deimon.