
Poseidon's Memory

Victor Callas reached out to help Olivia, who twitched. Victor kept his smile as he stopped. 

"I'm on your side. You can trust me. I'm Biohuman." Victor told Olivia. 

'What's Victor doing here?' Lee Seng thought. 'I could never forget Dark Matter like that…' From the moment he fought Victor for the first time until this very moment, Lee Seng hadn't forgotten the one person he had wanted to be like. 

"Victor?" Lee Seng called out. Victor stepped closer into view and waved.

"It's been awhile, Lee Seng and Olivia. Let me help you up." Victor motioned. 

"Well, I'm stuck because of—" Olivia began to say when Victor easily plucked her out of Lee Seng's grasp. Lee Seng felt his arms land on him with a loud thud. He let out a grunt before letting out a sigh of relief. "T-thanks." Olivia stepped away from Victor.

"No problem. You're next." Victor started to reach for Lee Seng when Olivia stuck her hand out and blocked him.