
A New Nine Tail is Born

Sakura trees blossomed with pink petals as Lee Seng's vision came to him. Pink petals danced, drawing Lee Seng's attention. He spun around in his spot, catching glimpses of the world around him. He was on some sort of bridge with an endless view of the sea all around him. Two suns hung high in the sky. 

Lee Seng turned back to his original spot and noticed Keng standing at the other end of him. Keng took a while longer to register Lee Seng. He looked off into the endless sea, taking a short moment to appreciate it before frowning and looking away. Keng's head hung low like the water had reminded him of someone.

"Keng." Lee Seng called out, jogging over to him. Keng snapped out of it and looked up.

"Lee, how are you here?" Keng asked, moving forward. The twins met and checked each other out. 

"You aren't hurt." Lee Seng whispered. "What is this place?"