
Into the Stronghold

Lee Seng and the group landed in an abandoned warehouse nearby. The group looked around while Lee Seng and Keng mapped the area around them. 

"Do you have another comm device?" Lee Seng asked Keng. "Give one to Jiro." Keng summoned the Void Storage and pulled a ring out. He turned to Jiro and stuck his hand out.

"You'll be on comms with us for the rest of the duration. Take this." Keng dropped the ring into Jiro's hand. He watched Ritsuka's older brother slip the ring on. He turned it and looked at Keng.

'Hear me?' Keng asked. Jiro nodded. 

"Good, now that that's outta the way…" Lee Seng turned to look at the rest of the group. "Everything that happens from here on out is unknown. We don't know who's here - Numbers, Deimons, other external factors. My goal is to find my father and stop him before it's too late."

"What're you thinking of doing?" Ritsuka asked. "I imagine you have some idea of how to stop this."