
Puzzle Pieces Coming Together II

Dr. Valentin stomped forward and grabbed Keng by the collar and shook him. "You're wrong! The doctor shared everything with me! We worked together to make sure all of the things that happened would work with him! Why do you think I volunteered for the Number serum in the end?!? I wanted to see my work pay off and not wither away like the old man I am!"

Zoe's eyes widened. Her dad's truth had finally come to the surface. 

"Y-you didn't do it for me or… Manny? Yo-you did it so you could… research longer?" Zoe's voice shook. Dr. Valentin's eyes widened. He turned to his daughter and shook his head.

"That's not the entire point! I did choose for you, Zoe! I swear I did. Everything I do is for—"

"Cut the crap, Geoff. Your secret's out. It's better to admit to it than let everything become a bigger shit show." Alex spoke.