
Anywhere but here

Akio and Nikolai stepped away from the kitchen and stared at him in disbelief while Manny and Akali were off their chairs and head cocked. Calis turned to Lee Seng who avoided the looks. 

"I didn't want to do it, alright?" Lee Seng defended himself. "A-After the mishap with Abby, I wanted to make things right with anyone else who might be under the same influence so I…" he raised his hand to his head and made a swing motion at it, clicking his tongue. 

"You harmed Nicole?" Akali asked. "Y-you didn't kill her like…" Lee Seng looked up. His older sister looked at him oddly. Her voice sounded like she didn't fully believe him. 

"I told them what happened to Seven…" Manny quietly spoke. Lee Seng tensed up. He hadn't thought about Seven for months. Hearing it come out, again, didn't quite sit right with him. 

Lee Seng stood up and fled the situation. He opened the front door and disappeared, leaving it wide open.