

Trying to meditate was like trying to do physical therapy. It was hard. Lee Seng struggled to keep himself together. His energy - rather, Keng and his energies - swirled all around him, trying to find a way out. There was too much chaos between him and Keng. Lee Seng let out a ragged breath as he focused harder. He needed to calm the storm. He needed to—





"Lee Seng…!" Calis's voice broke through Lee Seng's intense concentration. He gasped for air, noticing Calis was squatted in front of him. "Are you okay?" Calis could see the chaos within Lee Seng. It was too much. Calis reached up and used himself as an anchor for the Fox Spirit.

Lee Seng took a moment to breathe. Calis's help allowed him to steady his energy, sloppily dispersing it into the ground. His face was covered with sweat. Calis pulled away and switched to sitting.