

"Is it safe to assume your father is dead and the Failed Ones broke free?" The robot asked. The question made Lee Seng's blood run ice cold. Goosebumps flared and Lee SEng hesitantly took a step back. The robot cocked its head. The metal groaned as it held on by a thread. It was quietly withering away.

"Why would you assume that?" Lee Seng asked. The robot thought for a moment and closed its eyes. It's uncanny smile faded which should've made Lee Seng and the others feel safer, but… it wasn't at all like that. 

"You know the answer to that, young master." The robot answered. It opened its eyes, void of any emotional response. "The runes used on Veria Conet specifically states —"

"I know." Lee Seng answered. "It was a shock response. Nothing else."