
Location... Found?!?

"Y'know, I never asked this but where are we going?" Evan asked Lee Seng. The others nodded in agreement with Evan's question. Where were they going? Lee Seng sighed and stopped mid-air. He didn't know where to go. The Failed Ones could be anywhere. He summoned his System's screen and looked at his Inventory. He clicked the serum and read the description - a failsafe created by Dr. Vang Chang. One injection of this and it could turn you into a super-weapon that could wipe out a Failed One. Will you inject it into yourself and hope to kill a Failed One or will you wait for Brood Mother?

"Great." Lee Seng whispered. He swiped the screen away and continued on his path towards the city. He looked at his friends and spoke loudly for all to hear, "I don't know where to go. Since we have what they possibly want, they'll probably come looking for me."