
Burnin' Up

Lee Seng was burning with energy by the time Evan and Ritsuka found him. Calis was on the ground with an arm around his stomach. Evan and Ritsuka split, checking on both of their friends. 

"Are you okay?" Ritsuka asked Calis. Calis weakly nodded and pointed at Lee Seng.

"S-something's wrong." Calis informed Ritsuka. "He flew in here like he knew exactly where I was and then… he took something from me…" Ritsuka looked over his shoulder at Evan and the burning Lee Seng. 

"Ah, what do I do…? Lee Seng? Lee Seng, wake up." Evan panicked. Ritsuka turned his attention back to Calis, who was trying to push himself up. He helped Calis, noticing the Merman's arm never left his stomach.

"You look like you need a potion." Ritsuka said. "We should try to get outta here as fast as possible." Calis nodded and Ritsuka slowly stood up and helped Calis up.