
The Black Sheep

Lee Seng sat with his friends and the Numbers. Scarlet's quiet little sobs filled the space as she tried to steady herself. Uncle Nikolai sat with Zoe, who was still in disbelief that he was actually alive. Akio stood behind his seated sister while they gave the three Numbers time to process what was happening.

"Oh, Uncle." Lee Seng leaned forward. Uncle Nikolai turned his gaze over to Lee Seng and raised his eyebrows. "A lot of things happened and it seems like I've been given a second chance. I was wondering if you knew a teleportation rune by chance. There must be one by now, right?"

"You want to learn something you cannot wield?" Nikolai asked. He folded his arms together and leaned into the couch. "I can teach you it, but I doubt you can use it." Lee Seng smirked at this and raised a finger.