
Reunion with the Fox Spirits

Lee Seng's flaming fist flew through the undead, exploding it to bits. A black car quietly rumbled behind him as his eyes scanned the road. Lee Seng launched himself forward, sweeping his leg in front of him. Flames swept out of his foot, catching the zombies on fire and burning them to a crisp. 

"Grah!" The zombie screamed as Lee Seng began to scan his surroundings again. The car beeped behind him and a hand waved him over.

"You're good!" Evan shouted. "There isn't anything showing up!" Lee Seng headed for the car, burning the gunk off his body before he entered. He lowered himself into the back seat with Calis and shut the door. Ritsuka continued the drive. They had been going for close to four hours now with a couple stops and detours along the way.