
The Beginning of the End (1)

Lee Seng ran after Son's energy. It flew through the shaking halls, whipping and winding left and right. Lee Seng watched as more energy-like souls flew out of the walls, doors, and ground. They were all following Son's energy.

'What's happening?' Lee Seng thought. Lee Seng blinked and noticed it. These were all souls. 'Where are they going?' They moved into a wall, heading downwards. Lee Seng pushed one of the nearby doors open and followed them down a staircase. 

"Son's 'soul' should've been mine, but it isn't. Is Brood Mother manipulating the souls? Is she gathering them for herself?" Lee Seng muttered to himself. Another scream rang as Lee Seng cleared four staircases. The souls filtered through the door towards the left. 

Lee Seng moved into a large open room. He found his friends standing there as the room filled with souls. A tall woman stood in the middle of the room with Queen slightly off to her right.