Father to his Son

Austin slowly open his eyes and wander his eyes around. Trying to familiarize the room he was in, and then he saw his father bent over his head sitting near to where he is. He tries to call his name but it came out like a whisper because he is still weak.

"D-addyy", Austin finaly said it and Jack lift his head up and to his surprise his son was the one calling him .

He stand up and check on the vital signs and put over his palm to his forehead checking if he's got no more fever, also he tries to check on the eyes of his son if it is already normal.

"How are you feeling my son? Do you feel better now?" Jack ask with a worried in his voice but happiness for his son was already awake.

"Yeah Dad, I feel better." Austin answered.

"Where am I? Is this the hospital Daddy?", Austin continously ask.

"Nope my son, we are at my LAB." Jack responded with a tear coming down to his cheek.

He was very happy knowing that his son is better now. But a little bit sad because of what has happen to her mother. Can't even have the guts to tell it to his son.

Austin saw the sadness in his face so he ask,

"Is there something wrong Dad? Why are you crying?I am ok now. " he said.

"I am just happy my son ,now that you are okay. I thought I am going to lose you". Jack said to him while wiping the tears that can't stop falling to his cheeks.

"I am happy knowing that you are here with me. You've been busy for months dad staying your lab and been busy when the earphone were launched. You forgot to make time with me and mom", Austin directly said to his dad and he has been keeping those sadness and disappointments in his heart for a long period of time.

It is just now that he tried to voice out his feelings towards his busy daddy.

After hearing those words, Jack hold the hands of his son and said,

"I know I have lapses, no time to both you but you are both in my heart always son. I may have been busy but deep within me I am always thinking about you, our family". Jack wholeheartedly said those words to his son.

Knowing that now he realizes that Life is more important than Money.

"I am sorry if you felt that way my son. But I promise to you that I will always be here for you and for your mom. I will make it up to you for the lost moments we have'nt spend to.". after Jack had spoken those words he hug his son tight.

"I will always protect you in anyway possible". Jack continues. They were hugging when Austin notices that his mom was not with them.

After that hug Austin ask,

"I can't see mom? Where is mom, dad?" Jack couldn't answer him right away and stay quiet for a second, he doesn't know how to explain it to him.

How can he tell him that his mother is gone but not really gone.

He tries to come up with a lie,

"She is resting to the other room beside your room son. She's okay, don't worry too much and just get some rest too", Jack tried to divert the topic so his son can no longer ask about his mom and Jack don't want to hurt his son with the truth about his mother's real condition.

He doesn't have the right words to explain it to him for now.

"Dad I am hungry , where is Nani? So I could ask her to cook food for me", Austin ask.

Nani was the name of the personal maid of Austin.

"Nani is busy son. What do you like to eat? Let me cook it for you my son.", Jack offered himself to cook.

Austin was about to get up from his bed but Jack didn't allow him to.

"Just lay down there so you could rest", he said and trying to help Austin get back to his bed.

"Okay dad", Austin agree to him.

Jack walk his way to the refrigerator inside the lab if there's a food but he could only find soda and water. He was thinking of going up to get some food but he got worried with what was happening up there. So, he took out that thought in his mind .

But suddenly decide to go afterall since he doesn't want Austin to get an empty stomach. So Jack decided to go up and find for some food but before that he went to his cabinet and look for his gun that he was hiding for him and for their protection.

"Stay here, I'll be right back before you know it." he said goodbye his son and gave a kiss on his forehead before heading straight to the elevator up to their house.

On his way up, he was preparing himself to what was going to happen to him. He check on the bullet of his gun and prepared to fire it if someone attack him.

When the elevator stops and heard the bell rings coming from it, he already know he is already on top of their house. He was full of nervousness and fear but still prepares himself for what might happen to him out from the elevator he was in right now.

And the door of the elevator slowly opened....

He pointed the gun in front of him just to make sure of his protection on someone who might suddenly attack him. He move his right foot outside from the elevator and slowly he walk out from it. Don' t let himself make even a single noise. He was on the living when he saw the clock and it was already 10 in the morning.

He continously walk slowly and roam his eyes around their house, looked down to the window and he couldn't see nobody. He even try to go out at the side door of their living room near their kitchen to check where are those helpers in their house go.

Why can't he saw even a single one of them? Curious, fear, worried and clueless that was he felt when he saw that the city is already a mess. He still feel strange towards everything. Jack doesn't have an idea that everything was already gone.

Jack reach his phone inside his pocket and try to call his secretary but the line is cut. He try calling one of his friends but the line was also cut. He decided to call some of his relatives but still the line is cut and no one answers. He was frustrated already and mad!

And then he remembers what bring her up to his lab, he remember that he needs to get some food for Austin so he continue to walk towards their kitchen. He try to be safe so he still look around and check if someone was inside their kitchen before he makes his move. When he feels that no one was in there he put his gun down to the preparation table on their kitchen.

He open their cabinet got a big shopping bag inside of it and took more can goods as he can for their food supply. He doesn't know when are they going to stay in the lab.

After which, he reach their fridge and slowly open it. He get some ready to eat food. He gets anything his hand reach. He make sure to get an adequate supply of food for them to eat while they were still staying in the lab.

When he already filled the big bag he was holding with food. Jack was about to finish with what he is doing when he heard a weird noise behind their fridge door. But he just ignored it and was about to close the door of their fridge when he saw someone unexpectedly behind it...