The Dream

Growing up wasn't that fun as kafas supposed it to be, he wasn't like any other kid who can play around, go into the forest with no one getting too worried about them, and scolding them by their parent; he was Different and this he was smart enough to discover his uniqueness that Early.

During his 6years Birthday, he had a terrible dream. It happened that the entire village and members of the neighboring villages came to pay their homage to the young liberator that lived amongst them, bringing their gifts of precious metals such as Gold and stones such as... Diamond, ornamentals, perfumes, clothing made of the rarest of animal skin, and the best of gifts suitable for a king.

Talking about the king; the very high and mighty king of Upawa was never shy to make his presence known as he surprised the little lad and his family with more gifts ever presented and also with the highest honor of being there personally.

But something wasn't right; for while everyone presented their gift, the dreaded monster also came in their midst in form of a simple maiden.

Oh! she was a maiden of rare Beauty with danger blooming in her eyes.

For when everyone presented their gifts,kafas felt a strange sight piercing into his soul and was so eager to attack..... but not today; for in this form of a maiden, Dracos is vulnerable.

Kafas parents thanked everyone for coming and showing their care and support for the child liberator but..... when everyone was leaving, Dracos waited behind and watched its worst nightmare for some time before leaving.

Kafas was so tired that day due to the various visitors that came around, wanting to see him for themselves that he fell asleep.


"Kafas!Kafas! wake up!!!"

The scream of a terrified mother seeing how troubled her sleeping child was.....

For her very own beloved son was in the middle of a dreaded contention with Dracos; for Dracos is powerful enough of hurting and killing one even through a dream.


"Who are you?" Kafas asked terrified, seeing the creature with broad shoulders and two powerful longhorns with the face of gods standing before him.....his gaze looking fearsome and he posses stern wicked eyes.....

"I'm your worst nightmare and I'm here to bring an end to your miserable existence, "Dracos replied...and continued...

"You're on a mission to bring about my ruin I am to ruin you before you get to a manly age," drawing closer to kafas with a dagger drawn out of its sheath.

**Shaking furiously**

"I'm only a child," was all kafas could say, being terrified to the bones because, at this point in age, he knew nothing about Dracos, for he was not yet instructed concerning him."

"A child destined for my ruin, so innocent now but the deadliest weapon in the arsenal of man. I'd rather end you now than wait another day," replied Dracos; trying to grab kafas.

"What can a 6-year-old do to defend himself against such a monster?"

"Seeing those broad ugly hands filled with giant monstrous nails,kafas ran as much as his tiny legs could carry but Dracos caught up with him, seizing him with his left hand and ....raising his right hand containing the drawn dagger(a dagger having human skull drawn on it; it's the dagger made specifically for man's destruction)."

"Kafas shot his eyes waiting for his strike, so terrified and helpless, he screamed with all his might;...helpppppp mee!!"


Within the fastest blink,kafas felt a resistance coming from within him; the spear, drawn on his back by the supreme Gods came speedily to his defense.



A boisterous scream brought kafas to reality, the spear which was drawn on his back came to life in the same instant he called for aid and pierced the left hand of Dracos that gripped him...

**Spiss! zuff!! zuffff!!!**

The spear fought so ferocious that Dracos couldn't match its attack; its swing, movement, and forward attacks can't be matched, not even Dracos can;.....It's the very own spear of Oasis, the Gods of protection.

Dracos fled from kafas, he had to for his very life's sake, for while trying to fend the spear off, he was struck with a deceitful blow of the spear on his thigh, which moved as if going for his throat.

Dracos protecting his throat from being struck left his thigh exposed which was deeply pierced by the spear.

"You innocent destroyer, I will come for you, prepare for my visit, be ready to be destroyed," Dracos roared while limping as he retreated.


"Kafas! kafas please wake up love, you're burning with fever and shivering uncontrollably and mum is getting scared," Yura has been trying to wake him up for God knows how long and this has made her extremely troubled.

Kafas could hear her scream his name but could do nothing...he was on the battlefront, fighting to live while staring at death in the Eyes.

Suddenly, Yura saw what seem like a mark of grip on kafas' left arm; the grip made by Dracos.

So confused she screamed seeing the suffering of her Dearest.

Rushing to the room was kairu, kafas' dad who saw the situation took him and immediately and dipped him in a Drum of water just outside the kitchen.


Soaked in the water, a bright white light shone from the Tattoo given him by Oasis, it was so bright that the entire compound was lit up; it was an indication of the Godly spear being in Battle.

The water in the Drum was so hot and boiled that kairu had to let go of kafas to avoid being burnt.

Being a man,kairu could only stare but Yura was already deep in tears.


After a while, the light went dim. Waking up,kafas found himself in a drum of hot water but no burnt was experienced by him.


Screaming and running toward him was Yura who being so terrified took kafas out of the water so hurriedly and held him tightly to her bosom and full of tears .....kafas held on to her tightly in return, not willing to let go, his experience can't leave his memory in a hurry...