The Pains of the Accused

"Bring forth the rebellious prince!!!"

Elder Kios beckon on the chief guard asking him to bring prince Oasis before the king...

Pro to giving the order to general Yu, he spoke to supreme Gods Dracos about his verdict on the crime of his brother...

"My king, now that you're officially the supreme Gods of the universe, it will be wise if you carry out the judgment on the most pressing issues..; the fate of prince Oasis."


In agreement with the words of the elder, he requested Oasis be brought forth from prison...

***Gbam gbam gbam!!!***

In an instant, before the king's command could get cold in the memory, prince Oasis was matched forward, Bond hands and feet with the chains of 'Olimp' by general Yu and four prison guards...

The chains of 'Olimp' are forged from a very rare metal by the name 'Olimp' and it happened to be the only chain capable of holding up a supreme bloodline in custody...